Privacy Policy

RiskOpsAI™ Privacy & Security Notice

Last updated: March 2023
RiskOpsAI™ respects your right to privacy.  This Privacy Notice explains who we are, how we collect, share and use personal information about you, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, then please contact us using the contact details provided at the bottom of this Privacy Notice.  We recommend that you read this Privacy Notice in full to ensure you are fully informed.

What does RiskOpsAI™ do?

RiskOpsAI™ is an AI powered risk modelling company, headquartered in the USA.  We offer end-to-end risk modelling solutions that help organizations quantify and benchmark risk with a particular focus on cyber and data privacy.
For more information about RiskOpsAI™, please see

What personal information does RiskOpsAI™ collect and why?

The personal information that we may collect about you broadly falls into the following categories:

  • Information that you provide voluntarily
    Certain parts of our Website may ask you to provide personal information voluntarily: for example, we may ask you to provide your contact details in order to register an account with us, to subscribe to marketing communications from us, and/or to submit enquiries to us.  The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.
  • Information that we collect automatically
    When you visit our Website, we may collect certain information automatically from your device.  In some countries, including countries in the European Economic Area, this information may be considered personal information under applicable data protection laws.

Specifically, the information we collect automatically may include information like your IP address, device type, unique device identification numbers, browser-type, broad geographic location (e.g. country or city-level location) and other technical information.  We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with our Website, including the pages accessed and links clicked.

Collecting this information enables us to better understand the visitors who come to our Website, where they come from, and what content on our Website is of interest to them.  We use this information for our internal analytics purposes and to improve the quality and relevance of our Website to our visitors.

We currently do not collect this information using cookies and similar tracking technology.

  • Information that we obtain from third party sources
    We currently do not receive personal information about you from third party sources.  If such information was collected, it would be done so only where we have checked that these third parties either have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted or required to disclose your personal information to us.

Who does RiskOpsAI™ share my personal information with?

We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:

  • to our group companies, third party services providers and partners who provide data processing services to us (for example, to support the delivery of, provide functionality on, or help to enhance the security of our Website), or who otherwise process personal information for purposes that are described in this Privacy Notice or notified to you when we collect your personal information.
  • to any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
  • to an actual or potential buyer (and its agents and advisers) in connection with any actual or proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Notice;
  • to any other person with your consent to the disclosure.

Legal basis for processing personal information

Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.

However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.  In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you or may otherwise need the personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another person.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information).

Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided under the “Customer Support” heading,

Cookies and similar tracking technology

We do not use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect and use personal information about you.

How does RiskOpsAI™ keep my personal information secure?

We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal information that we collect and process about you.  The measures we use are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information.  We encrypt your personal information in transit and at rest.

International data transfers

Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident.  These countries may have data protection laws that are different to the laws of your country (and, in some cases, may not be as protective).

Specifically, our website servers are located in the U.S.A., and our group companies and third-party service providers and partners operate around the World.  This means that when we collect your personal information we may process it in any of these countries.

We have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice.  In addition, our Standard Contractual Clauses can be provided on request.

Data retention

We retain personal information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements).

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Your data protection rights.

You have the following data protection rights:

  • If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “Customer Support”:
  • In addition, you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “Customer Support”:
  • You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send you.  To opt-out of other forms of marketing (such as postal marketing or telemarketing), then please contact us using the contact details provided under the “Customer Support” heading,
  • Similarly, if we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
  • You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (excluding the US and Canada) are available here).
    We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

California’s Shine the Light Law

Subject to certain limits under California Civil Code section 1798.83, California residents may ask RiskOpsAI™. to provide them with (i) a list of certain categories of personal data that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, and (ii) the identity of those third parties. California residents may make one request per calendar year.  To make this request, you may contact RiskOpsAI™ at the mail or email address listed at:

In your request, please state that you are a California resident and provide a current California address for our response. Please allow up to thirty (30) calendar days for a response. RiskOpsAI™ reserves its right not to respond to such requests submitted to addresses other than those specified at:

Do Not Track Signals

Some browsers have incorporated “Do Not Track” (DNT) features that can send a signal to the websites you visit indicating you do not wish to be tracked.  Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret the DNT signal, the RiskOpsAI™ website and services do not currently respond to browser DNT signals.  You can use the range of other tools we provide to control data collection and use, including the ability to opt out of receiving marketing from us.

Updates to this Privacy Notice

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments. When we update our Privacy Notice, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make.  We will obtain your consent to any material Privacy Notice changes if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws.

You can see when this Privacy Notice was last updated by checking the “last updated” date displayed at the top of this Privacy Notice.

Security Statement

When you view our website via a computer or mobile applications, all the information is transmitted through the Internet using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL technology causes your browser to encrypt your order information before transmitting it to our secure server. SSL technology, an industry standard, is designed to prevent someone other than operators of our websites from capturing and viewing your personal information.

While we use industry standard means to protect our websites and your information, the Internet is not 100% secure. The measures we use are appropriate for the type of information we collect. We cannot promise that your use of our websites or mobile applications will be completely safe. We encourage you to use caution when using the Internet. Online access to your personal information is protected with a password you select. We strongly recommend that you do not share your password and that you use unique passwords for all your online accounts.


Our websites may contain links to third-party websites. If you click on one of those links, you will be taken to websites we do not control. Our Privacy and Security Statements does not apply to the information practices of those websites. You should read the privacy policies of other websites carefully. We are not responsible for third-party websites.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us using the following details:

If you have additional questions, concerns, would like information about how customers with disabilities may access our Privacy and Security Statement in an alternative format, or have questions about how to exercise your rights. The data controller of your personal information is RiskOpsAI™.AI.

You can write to us at:


·      Attention: Privacy & Security Customer Care

·      191 Calle Magdalena, Suite 290, Encinitas, CA 92024

Changes to this Privacy and Security Statements

·      Effective Date: January 1, 2023

·      Last Revision Date: March 21, 2023

From time to time we may change our privacy policies. Any material changes to our Privacy and Security Statement will be posted as an updated on our website. Please check our website periodically for updates.

RiskOpsAI™ Privacy Notice

Last updated: February 2022
RiskOpsAI™ respects your right to privacy.  This Privacy Notice explains who we are, how we collect, share and use personal information about you, and how you can exercise your privacy rights.
If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, then please contact us using the contact details provided at the bottom of this Privacy Notice.  We recommend that you read this Privacy Notice in full to ensure you are fully informed.

What does RiskOpsAI™ do?

RiskOpsAI™ is an AI powered risk modelling company, headquartered in the USA.  We offer end-to-end risk modelling solutions that help organizations quantify and benchmark risk with a particular focus on cyber and data privacy.
For more information about RiskOpsAI™, please see

What personal information does RiskOpsAI™ collect and why?

The personal information that we may collect about you broadly falls into the following categories:

  • Information that you provide voluntarily

Certain parts of our Website may ask you to provide personal information voluntarily: for example, we may ask you to provide your contact details in order to register an account with us, to subscribe to marketing communications from us, and/or to submit enquiries to us.  The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

  • Information that we collect automatically

When you visit our Website, we may collect certain information automatically from your device.  In some countries, including countries in the European Economic Area, this information may be considered personal information under applicable data protection laws.

Specifically, the information we collect automatically may include information like your IP address, device type, unique device identification numbers, browser-type, broad geographic location (e.g. country or city-level location) and other technical information.  We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with our Website, including the pages accessed and links clicked.

Collecting this information enables us to better understand the visitors who come to our Website, where they come from, and what content on our Website is of interest to them.  We use this information for our internal analytics purposes and to improve the quality and relevance of our Website to our visitors.

We currently do not collect this information using cookies and similar tracking technology.

  • Information that we obtain from third party sources

We currently do not receive personal information about you from third party sources.  If such information was collected, it would be done so only where we have checked that these third parties either have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted or required to disclose your personal information to us. 

Who does RiskOpsAI™ share my personal information with?

We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:

  • to our group companies, third party services providers and partners who provide data processing services to us (for example, to support the delivery of, provide functionality on, or help to enhance the security of our Website), or who otherwise process personal information for purposes that are described in this Privacy Notice or notified to you when we collect your personal information.
  • to any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
  • to an actual or potential buyer (and its agents and advisers) in connection with any actual or proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Notice;
  • to any other person with your consent to the disclosure.

Legal basis for processing personal information

Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. 

However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we have your consent to do so, where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.  In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you or may otherwise need the personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another person.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information). 

Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading,

Cookies and similar tracking technology

We do not use cookies and similar tracking technology (collectively, “Cookies”) to collect and use personal information about you.

How does RiskOpsAI™ keep my personal information secure?

We use appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal information that we collect and process about you.  The measures we use are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information.  We encrypt your personal information in transit and at rest.

International data transfers

Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries other than the country in which you are resident.  These countries may have data protection laws that are different to the laws of your country (and, in some cases, may not be as protective).

Specifically, our website servers are located in the U.S.A., and our group companies and third-party service providers and partners operate around the World.  This means that when we collect your personal information we may process it in any of these countries.

We have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice.  In addition, our Standard Contractual Clauses can be provided on request.

Data retention

We retain personal information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements). 

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Your data protection rights

You have the following data protection rights:

  • If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us”:
  • In addition, you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us”:
  • You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send you.  To opt-out of other forms of marketing (such as postal marketing or telemarketing), then please contact us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading,
  • Similarly, if we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
  • You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority. (Contact details for data protection authorities in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (including the US and Canada) are available here.)

We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

California’s Shine the Light Law

Subject to certain limits under California Civil Code section 1798.83, California residents may ask RiskOpsAI™. to provide them with (i) a list of certain categories of personal data that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, and (ii) the identity of those third parties. California residents may make one request per calendar year.  To make this request, you may contact RiskOpsAI™ at the mail or email address listed at:

In your request, please state that you are a California resident and provide a current California address for our response. Please allow up to thirty (30) calendar days for a response. RiskOpsAI™ reserves its right not to respond to such requests submitted to addresses other than those specified at:

Do Not Track Signals

Some browsers have incorporated “Do Not Track” (DNT) features that can send a signal to the websites you visit indicating you do not wish to be tracked.  Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret the DNT signal, the RiskOpsAI™ website and services do not currently respond to browser DNT signals.  You can use the range of other tools we provide to control data collection and use, including the ability to opt out of receiving marketing from us. 

Updates to this Privacy Notice

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time in response to changing legal, technical or business developments. When we update our Privacy Notice, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, consistent with the significance of the changes we make.  We will obtain your consent to any material Privacy Notice changes if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws.

You can see when this Privacy Notice was last updated by checking the “last updated” date displayed at the top of this Privacy Notice. 

How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, please contact us using the following details:

The data controller of your personal information is RiskOpsAI™.